Within the Book of Wisdom
Gaining an understanding of the truth brings a sense of well-being. Within the Book of Wisdom resides a treasury not only containing surface-level truths but also profound, hidden insights from the esoteric realm. The easily digestible wisdom presented in this book aids in recognizing the connections between yourself and the universe. It provides an abundance […]
Sfera di Cristallo
If you are from Italy, check out this amazing lady! https://sfera-di-cristallo.jimdosite.com/
The Sephirothic Tree of Life
Salve! The new campaign with ‘The Sephirothic Tree of Life’ is now live! You can take a look at it here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fratersetnakh/the-sephirothic-tree-of-life-tarot-meditation-altar-tools
Death Is Only The Beginning
This is a story of a man who has mastered the ability of artistic expression through extrasensory, clairvoyance, and occult powers; while conflicted within his own thoughts, reflects upon his dark past. Living life the hard way, broke and homeless, one will do just about anything. Bringing illumination to the dark side of things like […]
The Nantucket Project
+ The 7 Archangels of the Divine Glory + Vol 1 Review by Frater Xavier
Etsy Shop
44 Planetary Seals of Solomon Review | Mystery School 239 | Frater Xavier
The Book of the Bee Another Ancient Manuscript
18 / 5 000
Four Trees, Some Amulets, and the Seventy-two Names of God
Kircher Reveals the Kabbalah (DANIEL STOLZENBERG)
The Eye of Knowledge / Illumination
In Vino Veritas!
When the sky is clear, the Vine brings the Message.“20.56. Contact. The Call.”Photo taken on September 30, 2020
The Watchers – Look into our eyes, you will know WHO WE ARE.
Meet R. Wayne Steiger
Salve! I would like to introduce you my spiritual soul-mate, Brother from a distant past and now – R. Wayne Steiger, one of the Angels who has reminded himself the Ancient Knowledge. One who in old times woke up humanity and he is still doing what has to be done… Follow your path, dear Wayne […]
About Me
I am the inner, gnostic spark hidden in the human heart. A propagator of mysticism and Magic. I don’t tie myself down to one doctrine or enlightened path but openly welcome all that is otherworldly. My life’s motto is: “Lumen Eorum Qui In Tenebris Sunt!” and it means: “We are Light for those who are […]
“The Death of Spirit & Soul” – The Letter to the Conscious Ones. To the rest of World: Open your eyes or you will eternally d..
Source: https://htgraceson.com/blog/removing-the-soul-of-humanity-by-rudolf-steiner http://indigochild.net/are-our-soul-and-knowledge-blocked https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2020/09/theyve-killed-god-i-cant-feel-god-anymore-my-soul-is-dead-after-the-vaccine-urgent-read-2514214.html